Earning a degree at home can be a dream come true for many potential students who cannot afford the time or money to go to university the traditional on-campus way, But there are also special challenges to go along with the hard work of earning a degree. Consider what kind of studying format will best fit the circumstances of your life. What will you need from a university in order to succeed? Can you truly manage to study without much extra help from the program, or will you require a substantial support system?
2. Decide on a course of study
Think carefully about what you want to study and why you want to study. You must be interested in your field of study if you want to do well. Don't major in something you are not really interested in, just because you think it's what you should take. The subject that is your true interest and is something you love to learn about is the one you will stick with long enough to experience the full benefits of a university degree. If you are not really interested in a subject, you will not put your best efforts into it - which is a waste of time and money.
If the credential you need to enhance your career is stultifyingly boring to you, that may be a signal to change careers. The true learning you need in order to survive is not going to be triggered by a subject you cannot beer studying. Select an area that turns you on intellectually, and you will have the inside track on a degree that can also bring success in your career. You will also love learning for the rest of your life - and that attitude is crucial to success.
3. Start collecting information
Find out which universities offer the degree you want through distance learning. If you are undecided on what course to take, browse through the subjects. You will be amazed at the variety of subjects available through home study. Read the profiles of the universities in which you are interested. Note the cost, any restrictions, and any peculiarities of the degree structure ( such as short residencies or specific starting dates), and consider if these will affect your situation in any way.
If you are interested enough in a particular degree to want more information, contact the university directly and request a prospectus. Most institutions will respond quickly to your request for information. You may also want to visit their Web sites to collect information - they often include a great deal of detail and can save you time.
4. Apply
Don't let the application forms sit around unused. This is the stage at which most people stop, and so never end up studying for the degree they want. The University of Victoria, for example, prints and distributes 100,000 application forms every year. Only 15,000 are actually returned completed. The only way to continue on the road toward your degree is to start the ball rolling at the university of your choice. If you don't apply, you will not be accepted. Don't fall into that trap. Apply, enroll, and start studying.
To get more information about online education, check out our website: Get Your University Degree At Home
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